DEFeND: the data governance framework for supporting GDPR

DEFeND is an international partnership that will deliver a platform to empower organisations in different sectors to assess and comply to the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

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33 months


DS-08-2017  – Cybersecurity PPP: Privacy, Data Protection, Digital Identities


EUR 2,737,300.00


EUR 3,326,987.50


1 July 2018


H2020-DS-2016-2017 – Digital Security Focus Area

The DEFeND Platform vs. GDPR

DEFeND is an Innovation Action (IA) project, and as such its main focus will be on improving existing software tools and frameworks and developing new ‘integration software’, driven by market needs, to deliver a unique organizational data privacy governance platform. In particular, the project technical focus is on delivering the novel Data Privacy Governance for Supporting GDPR (DEFeND) platform, which supports organizational-focused privacy governance and addresses challenges faced by organisations when complying with GDPR.

The project will achieve its aim by introducing a new paradigm, which we call Model-Driven Privacy Governance (MDPG). Such paradigm enables building (from an abstract to a concrete level) and analysing privacy related models following a Privacy-by-Design approach that spans over two levels, the Planning Level and the Operational Level, and across three management areas, i.e. Data Scope, Data Process and Data Breach.

The Architecture

The DEFeND platform provides 5 main services to organisations and relevant stakeholders: Data Scope Management Service, Data Process Management Service, Data Breach Management Service, GDPR Planning Service and GDPR Reporting Service. Each one of these services assists organisations to collect, analyse and operationalise different aspects and articles of the GDPR and provide appropriate reporting capabilities. To support those services, the platform consists of five (5) back-end components. Each component includes a number of modules aiming to deliver functionalities

The Dashboard

The platform dashboard acts as an interface (i.e. front-end) between the platform users (both organisations and clients/citizens, i.e. data controllers and data subjects) and the back-end components of the platform . The main purpose of the dashboard is on one hand to provide organisations with control over the creation, deployment, and monitoring of a data privacy governance strategy, which will help them to achieve GDPR compliance, and on the other hand to enable citizens/clients to interact with the platform to support the necessary consent related activities required by GDPR

The Pilots

DEFeND platform will be tested in operational environment (TRL 7) for two different types of scenarios across four sectors, focusing on the GDPR compliance process for end-users and on the GDPR implications for external stakeholders